Friday, December 7, 2007
Helicopter Accident
This is a Turbine Enstrom Helicopter on the Heli Pad of a Greenpeace ship some where off the coast of Ireland.
Posted by Dr. Farhan Ahmad Khan 0 comments
Labels: Accidents
Saturday, September 22, 2007
The Most Amazing Accident On Road Produced By Rain
Posted by Dr. Farhan Ahmad Khan 0 comments
Labels: Accidents, Natura Calamities
Freak Accident at Football Match!
A sudden gust of wind pulls out the sign boards on the side of the field and blows them viciously across the pitch, hitting the linesman and a few players!
Posted by Dr. Farhan Ahmad Khan 0 comments
Labels: Accidents
The Most Amazing accident you will ever see!
Some higher power was definitly with this guy as a truck overturned on top of his car.
Posted by Dr. Farhan Ahmad Khan 1 comments
Labels: Accidents, Natura Calamities
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
The Holy Quran
The greatest Scientists testify to scientific Facts in Quran.These are short parts of many interviews with the Prominent Scientists in the TV-Program (it is the Truth) which organized by the World Organization of scientific miracles in the Quran, which was broadcast on the Qatari- Television for more than three consecutive hours..This Program was made during the Eighth international Medical Conference in Saudi Arabia and other scientific Conferences at that Time.The Scientists who were interviewed during this conference are:1) professeur keith Moore (USA)is an eminent Specialist in world fame in surgery and embryology. this professor wrote Anatomy Book named (the Human Development). this book was considered as the best Anatomy Book in the world, written by only one author.2)Professeur Van Bersoud (canada)is a professor of Anatomy, pediatry, and obstetrics-gynaecology and sciences of the reproduction at the University Manitoba in Canada. He was there the president of the Department of anatomy during 16 years. He is very recognized in his field. He is the author or the editor of 22 handbooks and he published more than 181 scientific articles. In 1991, he received price more distinguished allotted in the field of the anatomy in Canada, the J.C.B., Great Price of the Canadian Association of the Anatomists.3)Professeur Joe Leigh Simpson (USA) is a president of the Department of obstetrics-gynaecology, professor of obstetrics-gynaecology, and professor of human and molecular genetics in Baylor College of Medicine, in Houston, Texas, the United States.4)Professor Marshal Jhonsonis a professor highly skilled of anatomy and biology related to the development at the university Thomas Jefferson on Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the United States.5)Professeur Gerald C (USA) is a director of program and lecturer of medical embryology at the cellular Department of biology of the Medical school from the Georgetown University in Washington, the United States.6)Professeur Youchedi Kuzane (Japan)is a professor highly skilled at the University of Tokyo with Hongo, Tokyo, Japan, and he was already a director of the national astronomical Observatory with Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan.7)Professeur Tejatat Tejasen (Thailand)is president of Autopsy Department in the University Chiang Mai in Thailand.. he was a senior of the Faculty of Medicine of the same university.He embraced islam after reading the Quran8)Professor William W. Hay (USA)is a very known maritime scientist. He is a professor of geological sciences at the University of Colorado with Boulder, Colorado, the United States. Previously, he was the senior of Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University from Miami in Miami, Florida, the United States.9)Professor Alfred kroner (Germany)is one of the world's renowned geologists. He is Professor of Geology and the Chairman of the Department of Geology at the Institute of Geosciences, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany.
Posted by Dr. Farhan Ahmad Khan 0 comments
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Allah islam miracle wonders NASA
Watch NASA when they launch this appolo on the ocean you see allah name
Posted by Dr. Farhan Ahmad Khan 56 comments
Labels: Islamic miracles
Sunday, May 27, 2007
The Life After Death
This is a must for every human being, especially for those who have forgotten their conscious and those younger people. Everyhting presented in this clip are based upon Quranic verses and Ahadeeth. Finally, please don't forget me in your prays.
Technorati Profile
Posted by Dr. Farhan Ahmad Khan 0 comments
Labels: Lessons
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Tsunami Thailand
You can see the lucky guy in this clip, during tsunami's attacking on him, a mattress was float to cover him.
Technorati Profile
Posted by Dr. Farhan Ahmad Khan 0 comments
Labels: Natura Calamities, Tsunami
Last Breath - Why Should We Fear Death
The way (Deen) of Islam (Complete system of life/Submitting to Allah's will) is the best of ways, not named after anyone, thing or place. Submitting to Allah's will (contained in the Quran and Sunnah) is becoming a Muslim (the one doing Islam) and can only be achieved without any force. Allah created us with the choice to submit or not to submit to him. Allah created the angels to submit without any choice and they still fall short of the worship Allah deserves.
Posted by Dr. Farhan Ahmad Khan 0 comments
Labels: Lessons